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LIVE Junior High and High School Bundle

Item: WEB130409
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Available for purchase

At a Glance

Combining the best-selling LIVE High School and Junior High lines, the LIVE Bundle provides you six years of curriculum (216 lessons) that will help grow teenagers’ faith, while immersing them in the heart of Jesus.


Provide a cohesive curriculum strategy for your entire youth ministry, from junior high through high school. Combining the best-selling LIVE High School and Junior High lines, the LIVE Bundle provides you six years of curriculum (216 lessons) that will help grow teenagers' faith, while immersing them in the heart of Jesus.

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Product Info


Provide a cohesive curriculum strategy for your entire youth ministry, from junior high through high school. Combining the best-selling LIVE High School and Junior High lines, the LIVE Bundle provides you six years of curriculum (216 lessons) that will help grow teenagers' faith, while immersing them in the heart of Jesus.

Starting with LIVE Junior High, you'll provide your middle schoolers a strategic mix of education and experiences. Each week will engage them in powerful conversations about following Jesus, exploring Scripture, developing healthy spiritual habits, and leading a life of service to others.

Continuing with LIVE High School, you'll help teenagers discover the value of placing Jesus at the center of everything during some of the most formative years of their lives. Featuring topics and questions that engage students more effectively than generic, lecture-oriented curriculum, each lesson is designed to flow from one topic to the next, and each year builds on the previous year.

With a price tag of only $745, you will receive both curriculum lines (six years of material) for less than $3.45 per week.

LIVE Junior High and High School Bundle at a Glance:

  • For grades 7th through 12th
  • Includes LIVE High School (four years) and Junior High (two years)
  • 2-Year Jr. High Curriculum (72 Lessons) and 4-Year High School Curriculum (144 Lessons) (based on a 36-week ministry calendar)
  • LIVE Daily student app included

Two-year access to the LIVE Online Management Tool ($99 yearly renewal after first 2 years)

Product Detail

Combining LIVE Junior High and High School, the LIVE Bundle will draw all ages of your ministry to Jesus, showing the joy of centering their lives on him.

  • Junior High Year One: Knowing Jesus' Epic Story
  • Junior High Year Two: Growing Your Faith and Looking Outward
  • High School Year One: Understanding Who I Am
  • High School Year Two: Living It Out
  • High School Year Three: Are You In?
  • High School Year Four: This Changes Everything

Each lesson challenges teenagers to think critically and figure out why they believe what they believe. And open-ended questions create room for authentic discussions that lead to hard-to-reach places (aka conversations where you find out what's really going on in their lives).

This item is available as a digital resource only. A physical resource will not be shipped for this item. Please note that digital products are non-returnable: all sales for these items are final.

What's Included

LIVE High School

  • Four years of lessons (144 total) for high school students, delivered through your LIVE Online subscription.

LIVE Junior High

  • Two years of lessons (72 total) for high school students, delivered through your LIVE Online subscription.

LIVE Daily App

Send "in the moment" prompts and ideas for living out their faith. Each day's idea taps into different ways that people learn—through serving others, reading Scripture, tackling questions, looking toward Jesus, and worshipping in ways beyond singing songs.

LIVE High School Graphics Package

Custom-made graphics that pair perfectly with all 144 lessons and includes:

  • Email header graphic
  • Social Media graphics
  • JPEG teaching slide image with topic graphics
  • JPEG blank screen slide for adding teaching info

LIVE Online

Every new account includes one-year access to the online tool that delivers curriculum and helps you manage your leaders. With our online management system, you can follow our road map and choose which lessons you want to teach and when. You aren't limited to one schedule, and you can have multiple calendars in case you want to have groups going through different lessons.

Free Trial

Sign up today for a full test-drive of LIVE! You'll have full access to the LIVE online management system and access to over 30 free lessons covering each of our 15 LIVE lines!

Age Level
13-14 Years
Age Level
15-18 Years
Age Level
Mixed Age Levels
Grade Level
Middle School/Junior High
Grade Level
High School
Grade Level
Mixed Grade Levels
Product Format
Curriculum Kits
Leader Guides
Student Resources
Published Date