Gift Registry Overview
Gift registries aren’t just for weddings and babies anymore! With Group's ALL-NEW Gift Registry, you can create gift lists for things like VBS, Sunday school, youth ministry, and more.
Group's Gift Registry...
- Gives you the ability to create as many unique gift lists of items as you need for your church event or project.
- Provides ultimate flexibility by allowing you to use the donated funds in the best way you see fit.
- Empowers your church family and potential gift purchasers to donate their resources when they might not be able to donate their time.
- Allows your church or organization to create fuller, more enriching experiences by enhancing your current budget.

How the Gift Registry Works
Group's Gift Registry is a gift certificate–based registry. Here's what that means.
A gift-certificate registry simply means that 100% of the transactions made on any Gift List are stored in a general monetary fund on your Group's Gift Registry Account (powered by These funds can then be converted into a gift certificate to use on or when placing an order over the phone when you're ready.
Why a gift certificate? Because we know ordering resources for ministry can sometimes be a moving target. By converting the funds into a gift certificate, you have the ultimate flexibility in deciding how to use your funds when it comes time to purchase your resources.