Thank You!
A $5 donation can provide up to $70 in brand-new warm clothing and blankets! These donations will bless countless families in North America, helping them feel the warmth of God’s love through the generosity of other kids.
Donate by Mail:
To participate, write a check for your collected donations and put 400085792 on the memo line of your check, then mail it to:
World Vision
PO Box 70200
Tacoma, WA 98481-0200
Donate Online:
Donate Online at World VisionThank You!
Every $5 donation will provide clean water for one person in Honduras for more than a year! Plus, initiatives in rural Honduras promote and provide support for handwashing and sanitation!
Donate by Mail:
To participate, write a check for your collected donations paid to the order of World Vision, include 400071585 on the memo line, and mail it to:
World Vision
PO Box 70200
Tacoma, WA 98481-0200
Donate Online:
Donate Online at World VisionOperation Kid-to-Kid is one of the world’s largest service mission projects for children.
International Christian organizations and Group’s Vacation Bible School programs team up to get kids involved with helping other kids. Kids have the opportunity to help other children around the world by giving gifts like school supplies, Bibles, hygiene kits, Christmas gifts, Bible coloring books, and socks and shoes. Children have also funded extensive malaria prevention and clean water initiatives in Africa and India!
Year after year, Operation Kid-to-Kid is one of the driving forces in mobilizing children to serve other kids in need. VBS kids have donated millions of dollars over the years to help kids in need around the world.

2025: The Warmth of God's Love

Kids Helping Kids
During sun-soaked summer days of VBS, it’s easy to keep chilly fall and winter temperatures out of mind. But frosty fingers and toes are a reality for millions of kids in North America. As families struggle to make ends meet, poverty in the United States impacts countless kids—many of whom may be right in your community.
World Vision estimates that more than one in six children in the United States lives in poverty. These are kids who pull on threadbare jackets to face wintry weather. They shiver at the school bus stop and sit through class in wet shoes. Some may lack a thick, cozy blanket to sleep under at night.
But we can change that!
World Vision works tirelessly to help struggling families get the basic necessities they need—like warm clothes and blankets. Their partnerships with clothing manufacturers allows them to multiply every dollar donated to make a true impact.
A $5 donation can provide up to $70 in brand-new warm clothing and blankets! That means kids can bundle up when the thermometer plummets. They’ll enjoy school days with warm fingers and cozy toes! And kids can sleep soundly, wrapped in a snug blanket.
Because Operation Kid-to-Kid™ is part of Group VBS, we have the opportunity to bless countless families in North America, helping them feel the warmth of God’s love through the generosity of other kids.
- Set up the Operation Kid-to-Kid display in a prominent, high-traffic area of your church.
- During your VBS, kids will hear about this exciting outreach project. Throughout the week, kids and adults can add donations at your display.
- Send in the total donation amount to World Vision. The donations will bless countless families in North America with warm clothing.
Donate by Mail:
Write a check for your collected donations and put 400085792 on the memo line of your check, then mail it to:
World Vision
PO Box 70200
Tacoma, WA 98481-0200
2024: Making a Splash in Honduras

Kids Helping Kids
In North America, most of us take it for granted that we can turn on a tap and get a healthy drink of water. We have access to filtered water and bottled water when clean drinking water isn't available. Usually, after a restroom break or before eating, there's a sink nearby where we can wash up. But that's not the case for many families in Honduras. You may not realize that:
- About one in nine people in Honduras don't have access to clean water resources. Most of these people live in rural areas.
- Lack of access to clean water means women and girls spend valuable time walking long distances to wells. That's time they could be spending in school or providing for their families in other ways.
- Too often, rural families are forced to get their drinking water from local rivers—the same rivers where people (and animals) bathe. Drinking water from rivers leads to disease and malnutrition.
But we can change that!
World Vision is passionate about meeting the need of this global crisis. In fact, they're the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world! The international team at World Vision connects one new person with clean water every 10 seconds! The team at Group Publishing is excited to partner with such experts, who love God and have a desire to care for God's people.
A $5 donation can provide clean water for one person for more than a year! Plus, initiatives in rural Honduras promote and provide support for handwashing and sanitation! Wow! That means no more long walks to the well or being forced to drink harmful water! That small donation means your kids will make a huge impact!
With Operation Kid-to-Kid we have the opportunity to bless countless families in Honduras, helping them have access to one of life's most basic resources!
- Set up the Operation Kid-to-Kid display in a prominent, high-traffic area of your church.
- During your VBS, kids will hear about this exciting outreach project. Throughout the week, kids and adults can add donations at your display.
- Send in the total donation amount to World Vision. The donations help provide clean water around the globe.
Donate by Mail:
Write a check for your collected donations and put 400071585 on the memo line of your check, then mail it to:
World Vision
PO Box 70200
Tacoma, WA 98481-0200


Operation Kid-to-kid
Throughout the years

2023 Operation Kid-to-Kid Overview
Sending Bibles Around the World
Across the globe, millions of people lack the comfort and hope that come from reading God’s Word in their own language. In fact, in some places, even pastors don’t have a Bible in their own language. That’s where your VBS kids made a difference!
In 2023, the Operation Kid-to-Kid’s partnership between World Vision and Group Publishing VBS provided Bibles to use in discipleship ministries in African nations, Latin America, and the Middle East. These Scriptures aren’t simply handed out—they’re used in Bible clubs, VBS programs, parenting classes, and Sunday schools. Wow!
Your VBS kids made a big difference. Your church VBS, combined with other VBS programs, shined Jesus’ light to families around the globe. That’s how kids can make a real difference!



2022 Operation Kid-to-Kid Overview
School Supplies
A shiny new notebook, colorful pens, a rainbow box of crayons. There’s something fresh and exciting about back-to-school lists. They’re more than supplies; they represent all the potential and possibility of a new year and a bright future. But for some kids in North America, basic school supplies are hard to come by. Something as simple as basic school supplies can represent real hope. That’s where your VBS kids made a difference!
In 2022 Operation Kid-to-Kid mobilized thousands of children to help bless countless students and teachers on Native American reservations! Due to World Vision’s key partnerships, just $1 would supplement school supplies for one child for a whole year! VBS kids made a monumental difference for kids on reservations in North America. WOW!



2021 Operation Kid-to-Kid Overview
Squashing Malaria
Group Publishing partnered with World Vision and churches like yours in an effort to protect children from a small—but deadly—enemy. Mosquitoes. In many countries, mosquitoes carry a frightening disease called malaria, which is often fatal. Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases affecting poor children around the world. The gift of simple mosquito nets goes a long way toward keeping children safe. Plus, it’s tangible evidence that someone cares for them.
This program helped provide specially treated nets to protect kids against malaria. Each $10 donation helped provide a net that can protect 2 or more children for up to 4 years! Your donations were able to provide a large number of life-saving, health-preserving nets that will last up to 4 years. Thank you!



2020 Operation Kid-to-Kid Overview
Life-changing Livestock
Alpacas help provide a critical source of income for many Ecuadorian families. They are uniquely created by God to live in the mountains of Ecuador and they help out in the garden by providing rich fertilizer for hungry plants. Their thick fur is sheared every year and provides warm clothes in the cold Andes climate. Because their feet are not hard like horse or cow hooves, they don’t compact the soil, and that’s good for farming and the environment.
Group Publishing and World Vision are partnered with your VBS kids to help bring alpacas to needy families in Ecuador. Adding an alpaca to a family farm in Ecuador not only transforms the fate of the family but also helps provide jobs and resources to the entire community! Each $10 donation through Operation Kid-to-Kid helped provide life-changing livestock to Ecuadorian families. Thank you. Your donations made it all possible!



2019 Operation Kid-to-Kid Overview
Giving Babies in Zambia a Healthy Start
Malnutrition during the first 2 years can lead to irreversible issues that limit babies from reaching their full potential in life. BUT, it’s preventable!
Group Publishing and World Vision partnered to help moms and babies get the best beginnings they can. Each $10 donation through Operation Kid-to-Kid provides supplemental nutrition and education to a mom and child for 2 years.
By joining with thousands of other VBS kids, you brought health to new moms and babies—and hope to the nation of Zambia!



2018 Operation Kid-to-Kid Overview
Growing God’s Love in Haiti
VBS kids really came through in support of the people of Haiti in 2018. Group’s VBS partnered with World Vision to help bring sustainable farming to this small island nation. With a population of almost 11 million people, Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. Decades of deforestation have resulted in prolonged drought and poor soil conditions. The end result is over 26% of Haitian children under the age of 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition.
Generous donations from VBS kids around the world are starting to change that for the better! Your donations will help feed over 120,000 kids for a year and provide the foundation to feed families in Haiti for many years to come. Mr. Milius, a project partner with CASEC, expressed his great satisfaction saying, “I am very grateful for the support in transforming the lives of children and community development.”
