Group Sunday School
Our Approach
Teach as
Jesus TaughtRemember when Jesus compared faith to a mustard seed? And how he knelt down to wash dirty feet? What about the time he stuck his fingers in the ears of a deaf man?
Jesus used real-world illustrations, eye-to-eye conversations, and everyday objects to explain eternal truths in fresh and surprising ways. And no matter which Group curriculum you choose, you’ll do the same!
We've carefully baked what made Jesus’ teaching so impactful into every Group lesson. It’s nothing we thought up on our own—we simply followed countless examples from the Gospel. Group curriculum engages the senses, triggers emotion, and ultimately helps kids grow closer to Jesus and each other.
We create R.E.A.L. experiences—just like Jesus did!

Group creates interdenominational resources for Christian churches like yours. Choose from curriculums that are highly relational and transformational—the very things you’re looking to bring to your Sunday school.
Group Curriculums include a 1–5-year strategic scope and sequence for different age levels, may include multimedia components, and are typically purchased quarterly.
Learn About CurriculumsGroup’s Sunday School Lesson Books cover 10-13 Bible lessons, may include reproducible pages, may contain themed or seasonal lessons, and are purchased individually as needed.
Learn About Lesson BooksCurriculum Options
Meet our Family of Group Curriculum
Are you ready to teach like Jesus taught? Discover which Group curriculum is right for your Sunday school or children’s church.
A simpler approach to Sunday school where kids experience God’s greatest gift
3 age levels
Pre-K & K, Elementary, Upper Elementary
Fits Most Formats
30-75 Minutes
Scope & Sequence
3 Years (download)
Sunday School & Children's Church! Flexible options to fit any ministry with an easy online lesson builder.
4 age levels
Preschool - Elementary
Your Choice
Up to 2 Hours
Scope & Sequence
5 Programs (download)
Preteens explore the Bible and dive into the faith questions on their minds
1 age level
Grades 4 - 6
Age-Graded Class
30-60 Minutes
Scope & Sequence
6 Quarters (download)
Weaves together 3 fundamental elements of children's ministry to create lasting faith.
10 age levels
Infants - Adults
Age-Graded Class
60 minutes
Scope & Sequence
3 Years (download)
Teach as Jesus taught using creative objects illustrating eternal truths.
6 age levels
Toddlers - Grade 6
Age-Graded Class
30-60 minutes
Scope & Sequence
2 Years (download)
Children's church just for kids! Worship and lesson in one experience.
All Together
Preschool - Grade 6
Children's Church
30-60 minutes
Scope & Sequence
3 Years (download)
Still not sure which curriculum is right for your church?
Try out our curriculum quiz directly below!
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Curriculum Match
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Lesson Books
Engaging Sunday
School LessonsLooking for additional Sunday School lessons? Check out Group's Lesson Books!
These comprehensive Sunday school lesson books & interactive learning tools create a joyful and memorable educational journey for children of all ages.
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