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The Quarter 6 BE BOLD Leader Guide provides you with a road map to 13 deep, discussion-producing lessons that will engage your preteens while exploring some of their toughest faith questions. Plus, each Leader Guide includes a digital access code giving you FREE digital copies in PDF format.
Each BE BOLD lesson is carefully designed to reach preteens exactly where they are and features games and activities that creatively relate to a core Bible truth. And every Leader Guide includes "preteen pointers" to help leaders be better prepared and to help them understand their students.
Each week of winter quarter, preteens will dive into questions like If Faith Moves Mountains and I Believe, Why Can't I Move a Mountain? (Romans 8:28); Why Do Christians Have to Follow So Many Rules? (Proverbs 3:5-6); Does God Cause Natural Disasters? (Psalm 46:10); and more!
View the entire scope and sequence HERE.
Each BE BOLD Leader Guide contains step-by-step instructions for 13 lessons and information on how to access helpful teacher support tools, including blogs, videos, and an exclusive Facebook community built for BE BOLD users.
Product Detail
BE BOLD preteen curriculum gives your preteens exactly what they need: validation of their faith questions and a place to connect as they explore those questions together. This curriculum will guide you every step of the way as you become their conversation guide... and fellow explorer—which means the leader's faith will grow, too.
Learn more about BE BOLD Preteen Curriculum HERE.