News, Updates, & Resources

From important news & updates, to COVID ready Sunday school curriculum, and free resources, Group is dedicated to helping your ministry not only survive during this time...we’re here help you thrive.

Select an option below to assist you in navigating the challenges of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Compatible Ministry Resources

Now more than ever, people need the hope and love that comes from experiencing God’s word. That’s why it’s critical to continue providing meaningful, faith-growing options to your church.

If you’re finding it difficult to adapt your current resources to fit today’s challenges, Group has many options that can help!

Free Resources for Church & Home

These are wild times for ministry, but you're not alone! God is with you, and he will help you decide what's best for your ministry every step of the way.

We're with you, too! We're joining you to forge new ways to do ministry no matter what the circumstances may be, starting with this list of free content below.